3D Printing News
How is 3D Printing Technology enhancing the Advertising Industry?
3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is the process of using digital files to create three-
dimensional, solid objects. 3D printers work by reading these files and creating a solid object
by laying down each material layer after another until the object is completed. The
technology is relatively new, but it is still being rapidly used to create customized goods in
various sectors, including medical, consumer electronics, aviation, and architecture.However, the applications continue beyond
8th May 2023
How Do 3D Printers works? What's the hype about?
Everyone is talking about 3D printing these days, but what exactly is it? Here’s a quick guide to what all this about, including how a 3d printer works and what it can do.What is a 3D printer?3D printers are a new generation of machines that can make everyday things. They’re remarkable because they can produce different kinds of objects, in different materials, all from the same machine.A 3D printer can make pretty much anything from ceramic cups to plastic toys, metal machine parts, stonew
8th Jun 2019