3D Printing News
How is 3D Printing Technology enhancing the Advertising Industry?
3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is the process of using digital files to create three-
dimensional, solid objects. 3D printers work by reading these files and creating a solid object
by laying down each material layer after another until the object is completed. The
technology is relatively new, but it is still being rapidly used to create customized goods in
various sectors, including medical, consumer electronics, aviation, and architecture.However, the applications continue beyond
8th May 2023
5 Simple Steps for Easing Into the Back to School Transition
Start Early: Begin initial preparations prior to the start of the school year.Start preparations early, around the start of June. This will give your student plenty of time to get ready for the upcoming year and mentally prepare for it. It will also reduce last-minute stress so that the transition is smoother and gives your student a better chance at success. Take advantage of free online resources, like Khan Academy or Math Nation, to review any areas where your student may need extra support.E
20th Jan 2023
Can 3D printing be used for mass production?
Factories, as drivers of innovation in the industrial revolution, are cathedrals of productivity, built to house specialized processes and motivate the division of labor. However, the benefits of the factories suggest its limitations, they are not reprogrammable, to reorganize a new product it would be necessary to reorganize its machinery. All this is about to change. In another industrial revolution, men will create new things in different ways by adopting impossible forms thanks to the use of
17th Jan 2020
How 3D Printing can be used for Mass Production?
Modern 3D
printing uses metal and polymers: solid or flexible, hard or soft, combustible
or fireproof, which are used everywhere - from manufacturing and construction,
medicine and electronics to the fashion industry and even fine art.The technical
issue has not been completely resolved, the search for further optimization
continues continuously, but in general terms the possibilities of 3D printing
began to be outlined: modern printers can print a high-rise building, a bridge,
a rocket n
23rd Dec 2019